Many years ago our inspiration started delivering toys to the children of Stonybrook Hospital on his own good will with his family, from there he had people join him along the way. Today, it has become an annual Motorcycle Ride where over 1000 bikers join together to drop off toys in his memory. Please join us on December 18th at the Smithtown Fire Department. Kickstands …
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To all those that came out to support our tree lighting – Thank you! The board and myself can’t say how much we appreciate everyone supporting the park and our work. This year we were able to help a family and donate of $5000 in gifts, food and toys to them. Please keep an eye out for all of our events in 2017.
It’s more then just helping others, the smile on a little girls face when you pull up to their house with a basket full of food for them to cook together with their mom after losing their step dad to a horrific American tragedy. How about that hug they give you as you’re walking out of their house saying thank you so much, or the …