On September 11, 2012, Ski’s Open Heart Foundation will be hosting a Strength & Hope Walk from Montauk Point to the Ground Zero Memorial. The start time is 8:46 A.M. The walk is to remember and honor Det. Lt / MEC USCG Christopher M. Pupo (February 2, 1972 – June 23, 2012) and all those that have lost their lives after 9/11. 50% of the …
Sean Gajewski
Displaying All Posts Published by Sean Gajewski
Ski’s Open Heart Foundation (the “Foundation”) is being launch in memory of a true American hero. Our mission is to provide the resources necessary for our fellow Americans, who continue to suffer as a result of being directly or indirectly impacted by the events of September 11, 2001, so that they may live a full and satisfying life. This foundation was created by the surviving …